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Frankfurter Buchmesse 2019


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Besuchen Sie uns doch in Leipzig im März 2020.


FBM 2019



Dirty Theory - Troubling Architecture

Dirty theory follows the dirt of material and conceptual relations from the midst of complex milieus. It messes with mixed disciplines, showing up in ethnography, in geography, in philosophy, and discovering a suitable habitat in architecture, design and the creative arts. Dirty theory disrupts a comfortable status quo, includ- ing our everyday modes of inhabitation and our habits of thinking. This small book argues that we must work with the dirt to develop an ethics of care and mainte- nance for our precarious environment-worlds.


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scouting Jahrbuch 2018 der Pfadfinder- & Jugendbewegung

Scouting Jahrbuch 2018: Die besten Seiten der Jugend- und Pfadfinderbewegung:

Es sind nicht die großen Sprüche oder die stolzen Verlautbarungen, die uns in Erinnerung bleiben, es sind die zahllosen kleinen und vielfältigen Aktivitäten, die die wirkliche Jugendarbeit in den Gruppen und Stämmen der Pfadfinder- und Jugendbewegung ausmachen. Dabei sind und bleiben die Aktivitäten so unterschiedlich und facettenreich wie die gesamte Bewegung selbst. Das ist gut so, denn es ist die Vielfalt der Formen, die uns so wohltuend von allem Uniformismus, Mainstream und jeder Form von „Staatsjugend“ unterscheidet.


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Problem Invention - The Artistic Process in Architecture

This evocative and self-reflective book opens broader and pertinent questions about the physical nature of the architectural design process that will resonate with many of us who are prepared to work sympathetically with material. It is the conscious introduction of artistic experimentation in the architects material practice that can gradually enable intimacy, complexity and the shaping of novelty, as Bertram argues. A loving and rigorous attention to making opens exciting spatial questions and prompts´problem invention´. Bertram helps us to understand this process by linking architecture with philosophy, science and art.


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Scandalous Space - Between architecture and archaeology

If architecture is a design-centred discipline which proceeds by suggesting propositional constructions then, Zambelli argues, archaeology also designs, but in the form of reconstructions. He proposes that whilst practitioners of architecture and archaeology generally purport to practice ...


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